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Race & Track Cars
Prepare your car's wiring and power system for the track

Going on track? Safty first!
Lots of people upgrade brakes, tyres and even fit a roll cage but many forget that upgrading your fuel pump wiring should be on their list. Also relocating the battery for better weight distribution and an FIA battory isolator cut-out switch is a must.
The next step up from a track toy: Competitive Racing.
Battery relocation, FIA cut-outs, ignition key delete, ignition and starter switches, engine loom replacement with new ECU, removing unnecessary wiring loom to save weight, kenlow style rad fan thermostatic switches, screen demisters etc.

CAESAR have sponsored many race and track cars over the years. Sponsorship would normally be in the form of services. If you run a car and are looking for electrical help, give us a call.

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